The information contained on this page is pertinent to all classes and trips offered through New London Adult & Continuing Education. Please direct any inquiries to Denise Spellman, Director, at (860) 437.2385.
The Board of Education, during the course of any given year, puts on a number of programs utilizing certified teachers, professionals, and local community residents who have special expertise in the areas in which they offer instruction. The Board of Education makes every effort to provide quality instruction in an appropriate atmosphere for all participants in any of its programs. The Board of Education, however, is not responsible nor takes any responsibility for the specific instruction in any particular course or any specific reliance upon such instruction made by an individual. Questions about course content, the educational experience of instructors, or other specifics regarding any particular course should be addressed to the specific instructor or to Denise Spellman, Director at (860) 437.2385.
General Accessibility & Accommodation
All activities offered by New London Adult & Continuing Education are held in accessible locations. Accommodations for individuals with a disability are available upon request. Printed materials (e.g. brochure/handbook/newsletter) are available in alternate formats (e.g. large print, audio, Braille) upon request. For assistance, please contact the School Counselor at (860) 437.2385.
General Educational Development (GED®) Test Accommodations
Accommodations for the GED® tests are available for qualified individuals with a disability. For more information, contact the school counselor at (860) 437.2385. You may also contact Sabrina Mancini at the Connecticut State Department of Education at (860) 807.2110.
No Charge for Materials for Mandated Courses
New London Adult & Continuing Education is in compliance with Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 10-73a(c) and does not charge fees for registration, textbooks or materials used in our mandated program areas.
New London Adult & Continuing Education is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons and does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability or learning disability), genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws. Inquiries regarding New London Adult & Continuing Education nondiscrimination policies should be directed to Denise Spellman, Director at (860) 437.2385.
Title IX
New London Adult & Continuing Education (NLAE), presided over by the New London Board of Education, agrees to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. All New London Public Schools employees will receive Title IX training. Please see the NLPS website, newlondon.org , for the district Title IX policy.
Title IX Coordinator - Denise Spellman, Director of New London Adult & Continuing Education.
Email: spellmand@newlondon.org
Mail Address: New London Adult & Continuing Education, 3 Shaw's Cove, New London, CT 06320
Telephone: (860)437-2385
Email Policy
We do not share your personal information, email addresses, mailing addresses or phone numbers with anyone without your consent. By selecting “Periodic Class Updates” you consent to receive emails from New London Adult & Continuing Education.
Enrichment Program Information
As a service to the community, New London Adult & Continuing Education offers Enrichment courses in various areas of interest. The Enrichment Program courses are conducted by persons experienced in their respective fields, but who may have certain perspectives and biases about their subject matter to which New London Adult & Continuing Education, its agents and/or employees do not necessarily subscribe. Therefore, it should be understood by those enrolling in the Enrichment Program courses, that New London Adult & Continuing Education and its employees and agents, as a general matter, do not endorse their opinions, personal advice or political perspectives of Enrichment Program Instructors.
In addition, registrants acting on personal advice of an Enrichment Program Instructor do so at their own risk. By enrolling in an Enrichment Program course, each registrant agrees that he/she waives any and all claims against New London Adult & Continuing Education, its agents and employees with respect to the above.
Culture on Wheels Information
The Board of Education, through the Culture on Wheels program at New London Adult & Continuing Education, offers trips to promote educational and cultural opportunities to the citizens of our region. The Board of Education, through the Culture on Wheels program, serves as a booking agent only, has no responsibility for any aspect of the trip, its driver, or its operations including departure or arrivals, schedules, or any loss to person or property, however caused, during a trip.
Typographical Errors
While every effort is made to provide clear and accurate information, New London Adult & Continuing Education is not responsible for omissions, typographical errors, or printing errors.